Does Proverbs 31 make encourage you or make you cringe? Sometimes women can read that Proverb and get discouraged, thinking, “How can one possibly be all those things at once?”

Perhaps it would be better to understand this as a photo of a godly woman with a variety of skills as well as excellent character. The Life Application Bible commentary shares: Some people have the mistaken idea that the ideal woman in the Bible is retiring, servile, and entirely domestic. Not so! This woman is an excellent wife and mother. She is also a manufacturer, importer, manager, realtor, farmer, seamstress, upholsterer and merchant." It goes on to share that her relationship with God is THE most important part of her life, and interesting to note, points out that little, if anything, is directly mentioned about her physical appearance.

The Proverbs 31 woman is a compilation of the grace, strength, and influence of a godly woman. If you read it as a demanding checklist, you can go crazy. Not every woman plays every role mentioned above. Instead, let this chapter encourage you in the specific calling God has put on you. Some of you are home managers. Some have roles at home and outside the home. Some are called to a specific role outside the home. But no matter how God has called you to serve, your roles in your family and in the community are very important and influential. Staying in close relationship with Him is your first priority, so that you can carry out these roles with His direction and with joy, and perhaps less of the underlying restlessness so many may feel when trying to do more than God has asked.

Image: djcodrin /

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