This blog has been on hiatus for a few weeks as I considered what its best purpose is for the future. I am happy to give an update, as it seems the Lord is revealing a direction for it.

For the past several years, the blog has been a depository for random thoughts about life and faith. I now do much of that on Facebook instead, and with that, this blog was almost unnecessary except for the regular posts about the current Bible study I was hosting for members of HOPE Unlimited.

However, a new vision for the blog is coming together, and I feel that for the immediate future, it would be best used as a place to enhance the above-mentioned Bible studies I lead for busy individuals, known by "Coffee Break Bible Studies."

I'm working on making the blog more friendly, and more focused on the theme of Bible study during the pauses of life (I read that turn of phrase "pauses" somewhere and it seems to fit!) I hope to make navigation and commenting easier, and will soon have the URL and attached to it, as well.

For now, I invite you to look over what has already been done, and I would also like to share that I plan to participate in the Siesta Scripture Memory Team in 2011 and will be commenting on this journey as well. I hope many of you will consider doing that as well...who knows, maybe we can meet in person in January 2012 at the celebration event!

I plan to dive into the book of Titus for about four weeks, beginning January 10. Until then, Happy and Blessed New Year to All!
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