Suggested reading for this week: the entire book of Titus. Don't let it intimidate you. It's not that long.

Ah, but intimidate you it may. You see, in this book, Paul charges one of his sons in the faith--Titus--with an important work. Titus is to stay behind in Crete and serve the people of that church by providing for godly leadership. What an honor to be a leader, right? Yes...but.

Titus had to work with a church that was facing challenges. In fact, each of the three chapters provides a potentially thorny issue for Christians today to wrestle through. Likely, Titus had to maneuver carefully as he guided the church, so that the people in Crete could grow well in their faith.

Here are some of the challenges of the book of Titus, and some questions to think about as you read through:

Chapter 1: Qualifications for Leadership
  • What type of character qualities should church leaders possess?
  • Does this passage restrict women from being church leaders?
  • As sinners, we will never reach perfection in this life, but have the righteousness of Christ. Since we are all sinners, why should one type of individual be able to lead while others may not?
Chapter 2: Practical Teaching for Various Groups
  • What character quality seems to be repeatedly emphasized?
  • Does this verse (Titus 2:5) seem to prohibit women from working outside the home?
  • What does it mean to "encourage and rebuke with all authority?"
Chapter 3: Our Attitude Toward Leaders
  • How are believers supposed to relate with governmental leaders?
  • What should characterize the conversations of believers with others?
  • What types of conversations should be avoided?
I know you probably would rather I just give you the answers to these questions. But the truth is, that's not my place. The Holy Spirit is your teacher. I can guide with questions and ideas, but ultimately, your counselor and instructor is God. These are tough questions. The gospel is simple, yet deep, with far-reaching implications for our hearts, choices, relationships and actions. May we all prayerfully consider what God is teaching us through this book.

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