Reading: James 4
What are you asking for from the Lord right now? What have your latest prayers been about?

In this chapter, James reminds us that the desires that "battle within us" cause us to sin, to "kill" and to "covet." We may not commit murder, but we kill relationships. We may not rob a bank, but we steal joy from ourselves because we can't be content with what we do have.

James also says that sometimes we don't get something because with don't ask God, and when we do, we often ask for the wrong motives. Let's ask ourselves the following questions as we consider this idea:

  • Was the last thing I prayed for something I could use for God's glory or the benefit of others, or was it for my own comfort?
  • Do I find myself often praying for and about material things such as money, home, vacation plans, purchases?
  • When I don't get what I want, or it seems to be delayed, what are the first emotions I feel?
  • Can I look back and be thankful for a time God didn't give me what I thought I wanted at the time?
  • Looking forward, can I lean into what God is doing (or even apparently not doing right now) in my life, knowing that His plan will bring together what is for my best growth and His glory?

These questions are not meant to make you feel forbidden from praying about specific material things from time to time. But more often than not, perhaps we should be crafting our prayers to be a time of listening first, then cooperating with how God leads us to pray for a situation. He will likely lead us to pray more about the development of faith, the bringing of grace and comfort, and the loving of others than about opening a specific door or providing a material thing.

Try praying differently for a week and see what you discover! Please share with us your discovery!
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