Father, I adore You
Lay my life before You
How I love You.

Do you know that chorus? Often we continue to sing it with "Jesus, I adore You" or "Spirit I adore you." We sing the words, but do we really know what it means to adore someone?

Adore means to hold in the utmost esteem, to worship. Adoration goes beyond thinking someone is cool. It's to hold them in very high regard.

You may say, "Got that covered, Beth. I sure do adore God." Do you? Really?

Do you ever speak God's name loosely, not necessarily with a curse attached, but lightly in the popular OMG connotation?

Do you refer to God in a cliche form without thinking of what it really means? Example: "Lord willin'" or "God only knows?"

Do you think of God first when you need guidance, are feeling low, or are thankful?

Do you get annoyed when God doesn't work things out for you as you wish, like He is a genie in a bottle?

Do you take the time to think about God, His characteristics, and praise Him?

Do you spend time with Him? Not just the quickly grabbed moment to answer a Bible study question or read a devotional for the day but truly to just sit, relax, listen?

I know I fail when it comes to these questions. Yet I like to think I adore God. For a good exercise, take a look at the following Psalms this week (maybe one per day) and read them over more than once. Read them out loud. Read them quietly. Try to enter into the heart of the Psalmist and let his words express your adoration to our God.

Psalm 22
Psalm 100
Psalm 107
Psalm 145
Psalm 149
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