I find an interesting correlation in Ephesians chapter 6. The first part deals with close relationships--immediate family, and working relationships. The second deals with the armor of God. While these can be treated as two distinct topics, I do find their parallel location to be intriguing. Why? Because sometimes our everyday relationships are the places where we most can be tempted to battle.

Think about it.  

Where do you experience relational stress?
With your kids?
With your parents?
With your boss?
With your employees?
The preceding verses in chapter 5 dealt with our spouse so we might as well add that here too.

Our Christianity can be most tested in these relationships, so maybe, indeed, the passage about the armor of God is fitting. When I mention battle and armor, I'm not suggesting to prepare to fight all the time, but perhaps the armor can help us handle our immediate connections more effectively. Let's take a look at the armor pieces and how they can help us with these relationships.

Belt of Truth: Solid relationships are built on truth, seasoned with love. Is there truth and trust in these relationships? Are you able to speak the truth in love to these folks you most interact with?

Breastplate of Righteousness: this can be protection of the relationship for good. Stopping events when they are headed toward wrong choices or attitudes (and may mean distancing ourselves from groups of friends who lead us down wrong paths.)

Shoes of Gospel of Peace: Are we ready to walk into situations that require some work to make peace? Do we walk in peaceful step with people, preserving the "unity of the spirit in the bond of peace?" (Reference) Or do we use our shoes to run away and hide when conflict arises?

Shield of Faith: Paul specifically says the shield of faith helps us  extinguish the fiery  darts of the devil. Sometimes in our close relationships, certain types of "grenades" or "darts" are thrown...hurtful statements provoking guilt, etc. When we shield ourself with faith in God and His view of us, we can keep those darts from penetrating into our soul and causing long lasting pain.

Helmet of Salvation: Helmets protect our heads and brains. Our brain is the source of a lot of our problems. Anxieties and suspicions begin when we "think" about something, perhaps in an inaccurate way ("What did she mean by that?") God has provided His word that can save us from these unhealthy thoughts.

Sword of the Spirit: sometimes, we have to go on the offense in these relationships, and it may be hard. The Word of God is a sword and we must carefully wield it so it can speak into situations for God's glory.

Do you have any personal relationships to which you need to more consciously apply the armor of God?
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