Isaiah 58:11 NKJV  The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; you shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.

Wow. Read that verse again. And maybe again! I need this reminder and may need work on memorizing this one!

This week in our study through Organizing from the Heart, we are reading and thinking about our personality and energy cycles. I think one of the setbacks we get into is that society (otherwise referred to as the unseen "they") sets a particular standard for how a person should live--how organized they are, what their home looks like, etc. Then many of us may try to match that standard regardless of whether it really fits the energy cycle or  personality God gave us. That leads to exhaustion. Exhaustion robs us from truly enjoying God and others.

So, taking the above verse, how would you apply that to your attempts at organizing?

The Lord will guide you continually.
Think about that. If you set your mind to walk with God throughout the day, He will guide you in the tasks and priorities you need to do. Imagine Him walking with you and ask Him, "What should I do next, Father?"

And satisfy your soul in drought.
God knows we regularly go through dry periods, based on anything from physical to emotional fatigue to relationship problems, work issues, etc. He is our first Source of watering.

And strengthen your bones.
God is the first resource to God to when you are bone tired (and even before.) Ask Him to strengthen you and to guide you in saying "no" to some things.

You shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.
If you look to God first, trust and obey Him for His unique guidance in your life, you will regularly be replenished and have the strength you need to do what He wants. Notice the reference to water three times in one phrase. Water is essential to life. Jesus is the living water. Is it any wonder that many of us are drawn to water sources, such as rivers and the ocean? Take some time today to enjoy some water and ask God to refresh and replenish your energy so that you can not fail in what HE (not what everyone else) wants you to do.
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