Read: Leviticus 23:33-44

If you've traveled through our entire book either on your own or with a group, or simply have read the weekly blog posts, we hope you've seen some positive changes in your attitude and in your home. We hope you are making progress and not worrying about perfection. We hope you are facing and headed in the right direction. It's time to celebrate!

In the above passage, God gives instructions for celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles. We go into more detail in our book, but in essence this celebration helped the Israelites remember their journey through the wilderness.

You may be feeling like you've traveled through a wilderness of disorganization and confusion in your home. Hopefully, one or two small changes, conversations or commitments have been made. If so, I invite you to treat yourself in some small way this week.

So often we linger on punishing ourselves for not measuring up. We often punish ourselves even more than God does. He delights in His sons and daughters. He provides grace and forgiveness for the many times when we fail. He wants to celebrate life with give you an abundant life, not one full of strife and stress. I'm not suggesting there isn't suffering or challenges in life. However, He gives us the power to "do all things" through Him (Phil. 4:13) and be able to rest in Him and have joy.

So this week, no matter how little or how much you've accomplished in your hopes of getting more organized, take a break and enjoy what's been done. Thank God for your home. Circle back to the idea that getting organized is an act of worship. You may wish to continue re-reading the book in cycles to encourage you in the ongoing journey.

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