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Mark 3:5 Jesus was angry as He looked around at the people. Yet He felt sorry for them because they were so stubborn.

Anger to sorrow.

What gets you angry?

An annoying person?
Suffering or injustice?

That fourth one can get to me. I rely heavily on technology to accomplish all the things on my list. Many of responsibilities require access to a computer and the Internet. When technology doesn't work right, it get very frustrating...very fast.

Jesus felt anger too. But for the right reasons. In this chapter, Jesus had the opportunity to heal a man with a paralyzed hand. The other people around wanted to see Jesus "mess up." He was angry at the people but His anger quickly changed to feeling sorry for them because of their stubbornness.

Jesus knew that their stubbornness was only going to make things tougher for the people. I imagine He was saddened because He knew what abundant life they could have if they would just surrender their stiff necked attitude.

How about you? Is there something you are digging your heels in about that perhaps the LORD wants you to surrender? Is Jesus feeling sorry for you because of that stubbornness?

Sometimes we think stubbornness is a valuable trait...that it reflects determination or a strong will. There are times to be strong and not back down. But often, our stubbornness has more to do with pride and selfish desire to have things our way. The next time you feel stubborn, try to ask yourself what the motive is deep down, then deal with your attitude accordingly.

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