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Mark 13:11 NIV When you are arrested, don't worry about what you will say. You will be given the right words when the time comes. But you will not really be the ones speaking. Your words will come from the Holy Spirit.

Do you ever wonder what words you should say in a particular situation?

Jesus calmed the disciples when speaking about the end times, telling them they would be arrested, but the Holy Spirit would help them know what to say.

Let that sink in.

Jesus tells you that you will be arrested, and you shouldn't worry about what to say. Um, I think I'd be worrying a bit, wouldn't you?

It's hard sometimes to trust that the Holy Spirit can indeed give us the right words to say in a situation. Hopefully all of us have an example or two in our minds when we remember speaking, saying something that fit, and wondering, "Where did that come from? It sure didn't come from me!"

The important thing is to keep abiding in Christ through regular relationship with Him. Quiet time. Study time. Prayer time. Listening time. Keeping the relationship clear with confession, repentance, trust. Then we will automatically be preparing, being filled with His Spirit, so when the shaky times come, what spills out is exactly what He wants said.

It might be scary to let go and trust God for the words to say. But He is there and He will help!
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