Have any of you chosen a word for 2013? Sometimes having a word to focus on for a period of time can help us prayerfully consider our lives.

Melanie over at Only A Breath designed my one-word button for this year. In fact, she designed hundreds! There are all sorts of words you could use as a focus: Thankfulness. Grace. Love. Praise. Success. Victory. Prayer. The word is something that is meaningful to you and your walk with the LORD and something that you want to contemplate for a period of time.

I chose "margin" because of having read the book of the same name back in December. I realized that "margin" is an important part of life...it's the "white space" that makes things more readable and breathable. For example, this blog post has margins around it. It is the space between that helps us to take a breathe, consider, add notes, etc.

The word margin doesn't seem to appear in various translations of the Bible. But it has an interesting definition that parallels biblical principles. In various blog posts here in the next few weeks, I plan to explore that definition, along with Scriptures, with you.

And speaking of margin--being that it refers to giving space--I want to thank you readers for following this blog and ask you to be understanding if it is not updated every week. I'm hoping to stick with a once-a-week plan, but right now feel that this blog needs to be flexible. I hope you will be blessed by the posts whenever they appear!

What's your "one word" for this year?

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