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Esther is an interesting book--the story of a young girl who is put in a strange situation and is forced to depend on obeying her God even when she doesn't know what the outcome of her obedience will be. Ironically, her story never actually mentions the name of God. Yet, in the course of ten chapters, His influence is felt.
Do you ever feel like you are in a similar situation? Do you wish that God would give you clearer direction of what will be required of you and what He has planned? Recently one of my readers said that "skywriting would be great" when it comes to knowing where God wants her. I imagine Esther may have preferred to have an idea of what was coming when she approached the king. But God didn't allow her to see too far in advance. He doesn't seem to operate that way. Why might that be?

I think that we humans like to be in so much control because we fear what is coming in the future and if there is some way we can make it predictable, we will feel more comfortable. But God invites us to instead trust Him. That's hard to do sometimes, but His plan is better than what we would choose, even if it includes some very hard things. He has a "forever" view and we don't think in terms (often) of anything but this life. I think a lot of things will make sense once we enter into His presence in eternity, don't you?

I look forward to having you walk with us through this study whether you are reading the blog or participating in the e-group or both. Let's pray for God to open our hearts to what He wants us to learn.

(Note: this series is being re-run from an earlier date while CBBS is on extended sabbatical regarding new content.) 
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