Haman is quite a character, isn't he? In Esther 6, the king re-discovers the act of kindness Mordecai had shown some time before by informing authorities of a plot to kill the king. Xerxes decides to honor Mordecai, and asks Haman, "What should I do for someone I want to honor?"

Immediately, Haman figures, "It must be me!" and lays out an elaborate plan to reward someone. Xerxes unknowingly turns the tables when he commands him to "Go do that for Mordecai."


I bet many of us are quick to judge Haman. After all, the guy was completely self-absorbed, evil and, well, a real jerk! But...

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Uh oh. Here it comes.

  • I'm self-absorbed too.
  • I want things to go my way.
  • I'm tempted to manipulate situations to my advantage.
  • I sometimes have a hard time rejoicing with/for those who have been given a particular blessing.

How about you?

Indeed, Haman takes it to an extreme and I dare say that my readers are not plotting to destroy a whole group of people.

  • But are you likely to destroy someone with catty words?
  • Do you look down on a group because they are not like you?
  • Does it overly concern you to look right, get in with the good crowd, and seek honor and a good image for yourself and your family?
  • Ladies, would you never leave your house without makeup on?

Image. Pride. Arrogance. Evil. Destruction.

The are intricately connected and very powerful.

Guard against them, even in "small" forms!

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