Today was interesting. I've been struggling the last several days with "too many ideas/irons in the fire" syndrome. When I got home from work last night, there was a message from a ministry I'm not directly involved with. They asked for me to provide something they needed today. I was a little taken aback. However, it would bless someone who God used to bless us recently, and I decided to participate by offering to pick up something at the store they needed. I dropped it off at the church this morning. This was an interruption to my Thursday routine, and after discussions with Keith and thoughts about "I can't do this anymore" (in terms of juggling too many tasks, roles, etc.) I wasn't sure what the Lord was teaching me by dropping a totally different interruption/opportunity in my lap. Was He testing my resolve in keeping healthy boundaries? Was He stretching me? A thought came to mind during the day, saying, "I am teaching you to hold YOUR agenda and to-do list more lightly. You've been striving lately, and holding on too tightly."

So I went about the rest of the day, planning to go to a meeting tonight at my son's school. After school, he called me and said it ended up not being necessary for us to attend. Plus, there were leftovers from a class I teach, that I purchased to bring home as our meal. So, no cooking, and no need to be out tonight after all. Isn't that somehow ironic? I gave about an hour this morning that I didn't plan on originally...I gained an hour or more tonight. Two interruptions that were a gift from a faithful God. Print This
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