"What am I supposed to be doing?" is a question on my mind and heart of late. Faced with a variety of contacts and opportunities, I find it hard to "land" on a more settled, directed plan of what to accomplish and how to accomplish it.

But I'm SLOWLY hearing a different message.

Instead of "do this..." be faithful.
Instead of "get this done..." be a friend.
Instead of thinking of what to say or teach, be a listener.
Instead of filling most moments with info or input, be still.
Instead of craving a predictable plan, be filled with and directed by the Spirit.

This is not easy.
I bet it is worth it.

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1 Response
  1. Cindy Leigh Says:

    Great post Beth. Something for me to ponder and think about as I ready myself to enter the busy working world. I don't have a job yet...but I am trying to prepare myself for the days ahead. =)~~