Sometimes it's hard to get a grip on grace. We sing Amazing Grace, we talk about grace, but do we really absorb what the grace of God means in our lives? I know I struggle with this. I take it for granted and truthfully, sometimes I think I don't realize how much I need it.

Those who have had struggles in life or been saved out of dramatic circumstances sometimes appreciate grace more than those of us who had a relatively simple life. Many of us don't consider our "small" mistakes as the same as major issues we see in the lives of others. But guess what? "Small" or "large" sins, attitudes and hang ups ALL separate us from God. Think of it this way. If you've ever been "on the outs" with someone--and who hasn't?--was it always a "big thing" that divided the relationship? Chances are you can think of at least one situation where a "little issue" is what started the rift. Bottom line...even "small" things can lead to separation.

So whether you've considered yourself and your history as one of "generally good person" or "redeemed major sinner'" the need for grace is still there. In fact, those proud about the good life they have lived may need it even more!

So the next time you sing Amazing Grace, really think about how amazing it is that God offers His salvation to you...that He wants to bridge that relationship gap. Let's all be looking for His gracious gifts of love each day (again, isn't it the little things that often make our day?)

Charity to

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