I was sitting in my favorite coffee shop yesterday and my computer was acting up. It was moving very slowly. It was frustrating. Turns out I had temporary Internet files bogging down the system, and an unneeded program eating up space. Once those were removed, it was back to behaving more like it should.

Life is like that. The book of Hebrews (12:1) tells us to lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets, or clings to, us. We all have besetting sins--things we tend to do or think that are ungodly or negative, and that weigh us down. For me, one little thought can trigger turn into a whole day of negativity or obsession about what appears to be a problem. It certainly bogs me down from running the race God has put before me.

So, from time to time (daily?) it is good to delete the temporary Internet files, get rid of negative programing, delete unhealthy input. My computer needed its "mind renewed" so it would not be sluggish and uneffective. So do I. How about you? What negative input can you protect yourself from today? What drains on your spirit do you allow to affect you? Take some time to renew your mind today by focusing on positive input, inspirational ideas, and God's Word. Print This
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