On my way into the city recently, I noticed a cluster of weeds on the side of the highway. They were purple flowers, random, unplanned and probably to soon be mowed down. Even so, they helped me realize that sometimes, even weeds can be pretty. How often though, do we notice them? Most of the time, we ooohh and ahh over well maintained gardens or majestic scenery, and that's all well and good. However, we don't notice, or think to notice, the pretty flowers growing in grass that will be trampled, or the wonderful color in the blossom on what we consider a weed.

Noticing these small things can be encouraging. It reminds me that there is beauty even in the midst of challenges. We don't like weeds, and certainly it is wise to get rid of them if we want a garden to grow well. Yet, isn't it encouraging to know that even if there are some weeds in our lives, some beauty can still be seen? That glimpses of God's grace can still be enjoyed? That beauty can be found in unexpected places--and even in people where it's hard to see the blossom underneath their tough exterior?

If God cares enough to make even weeds have some beauty in them, how much more does He want to cultivate us into beautiful, faithful reflections of His grace? Print This
1 Response
  1. Unknown Says:

    There are always flowers for those who want to see them. :-)