I'm excited about what's coming with this blog. There's a few new things to let you know about.

1) You can now directly subscribe to my blog posts and get them in your email. See the subscribe widget near my photo.
2) I plan to post at least twice a week now, most weeks. I used to just post on Fridays, but...
3) Friday's posts will be comments related to the "Conversation Over Coffee" that is currently in progress with members of the HOPE Center. Nearly every week, a group of folks scattered around the country comment on a study sheet I email out to them by "replying to all." We keep it short and sweet, but it helps us take a few minutes to think on something important. I'll add a thought via my blog for those who may not want to join the email group, and to complement those that are part of it.
4) A random post early in the week will also be uploaded, on any of a number of topics or observations.

If you want information about being a member of the HOPE Center (our online practical equipping center) just visit www.hopeunlimitedforyou.com/membershipbenefits.html. I promise it is affordable (especially since you name the price) and worthwhile (since it helps you do life well!) Print This
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