On Friday, May 28, I'll start another Conversation Over Coffee on the subject of whether Christian women should work outside the home and looking at three women in the Bible who were "working" women.

How does this work? You can participate in one or both of two ways. If you are a member of the HOPE Center , just email me at beth@hopeunlimitedforyou.com to become part of the email exchange group. Each Friday you'll receive a study sheet and an opportunity to "reply to all" by email.

Or, you can also subscribe to my blog (see widget near my photo.) I will put some thoughts on the subject up on my blog each Friday and you will get them directly in your email box.

The first option allows for a true, two-way conversation, but the second option is available if you prefer.

In any case, I hope you will join us!

Image: Graeme Weatherston / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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