I am in the process of brainstorming an article about the pros and cons of Facebook (and possibly other social media technologies.) I've been using Facebook for over a year now, and I'm starting to have some different feelings about it. I'm not ready to throw in the towel--I do feel it has its value--but I'm not sure if it has contributed that much to my growth in several areas of life. LIke many good things, there needs to be a balance in the use of it. Everyone's threshold of wise usage may be different, so what I'm thinking about for me may not work for you.

I think being connected with others is nice, and modeled by Jesus. Yet I also understand that our capacity to be deeply connected well, may mean we can only do that with a few. Even Jesus only had 12 disciples that he did daily life with and deeply invested in. Of course He invested in many to some degree, and reached out to them. But He didn't seem too concerned about, or motivated by, building a big following or marketing Himself. Discipleship was more important to Him. He concentrated on following the Father's daily lead and the content of what He shared and not so much on the bottom line of results.

How different I can tend to be! When I want to see something "grow," I mean that more people are participating. But who can say that a class of 10 or less is not more effective than a class of 200? Do we really need to be connected with huge numbers of people to minister well? Do I? What do you think? Print This
1 Response
  1. Cindy C. Says:

    Honestly, I don't worry too much about it. I ask Jesus to order my days and then try to do what He asks as it comes up. IOW, I try to follow His leading in all things, whether online or IRL, and try to listen to that still, small voice...and do what He says. ;)