Today, we start a Conversation Over Coffee that deals with the idea of Christian women working. An email group receives a weekly study sheet and participants reply to others on the list. Alternatively, these blog posts are available by subscription (see box under my picture.) This conversation will go for about five weeks.

Today, let me just comment generally, based on the article I wrote about this subject. It was prompted some time ago by a young working mom who was somewhat concerned about working outside the home and as I recall, had received some negative feedback from at least one other Christian woman (who probably meant well). Unfortunately, she is probably not the only young woman who has felt criticized for working outside the home.

This topic can be volatile, with strong feelings (and reasonable "proof") on both sides of the issue, with many, like me, landing somewhere in the middle. I think we might all agree that we want Scripture to guide us in life, so for the next few weeks, we will be looking at various passages to help us better understand the roles of woman. Interestingly, I'll also be attending a three-part study this summer led by the pastor I work for part-time. He will be diving into women's roles in the church. And if you think the topic of women working outside the home is volatile, imagine the topic of women leading in the church! This ought to be interesting!

In my article, my summary points come down to a woman needing to make this decision between her and the Lord and if applicable, her husband. God desires that Christians live in unity (even when we disagree) and in particular, biblical, loving leadership and submission as well as respect and love in marriage. There are many factors that contribute to a decision to seek a job outside the home. Given the scope of Scripture, I don't believe we can definitively say that all Christian women should stay home nor that all Christian women should work outside the home. Join us over the next few weeks as we graciously discuss the topic.

If you'd like to be part of the email group that will study more deeply and reply to one another, you simply need to be a member of the HOPE Center, our online library and communication center. Membership is available for life in exchange for a voluntary payment of any amount. Visit this page to find out why you should join!

Image: graur razvan ionut /

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