I am privileged to have been interviewed by www.christianworkingmom.com for their e-newsletter this month. Here is the text of the interview for those interested! I encourage you to visit their site, which is owned and operated by Kimberly M. Chastain, MS, LMFT, a Christian Working Mom Coach and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist


Beth graciously volunteered to be interviewed this month. Beth and I have actually met in person. I meet almost all CWMs through our virtual world.

Beth has a heart for teaching women more about the Bible. Beth is a married 44 CWM who lives in the United States. She has a son who is 19 and has been married to her best friend for 23 years now. Beth is the owner of www.hopeunlimitedforyou.com, providing resources and encouragement to people who want to stay close to God and do life well. She also works part-time on the ministry staff of a large church.

Beth shares the following joys of being a CWM:

-Being able to use my gifts and abilities regularly
-Enjoying my marriage of over 20 years and a husband who supports my work
-Seeing our son becoming a mature, wise, discerning, logical, courageous young man although he has grown up too fast!
-Helping to provide income for the family
-My journey with God through the process

Beth struggles in being a Christian Working Mom when:

-Sometimes being spread too thin, especially if I realize it's been my own fault
-Not always practicing what I preach (i.e. I've written a book on time management, but am not always good at it!)
-Trusting God for adequate income especially as it relates to our own organization
-Fears related to my desire for family to remain safe and healthy

Favorite Bible Verse:

Isaiah 12:2 "Behold God is my salvation. I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song. He also has become my salvation."

What is God teaching you right now?
Most recently, He has allowed me to go through some humbling, (but nowhere near devastating) situations to gently prune me of fear, self-sufficiency, pride, and independence. I have a way to go.

Words of Encouragement for other Christian Working Moms

Learn to embrace yourself with joy, having a right view of yourself that is not too proud, yet not self-condemning. It troubles me that women (including myself) are so quick to criticize themselves-the work of our loving Creator.
He made us with the personality, abilities and gifts we have for a reason.

It is false humility to cut ourselves down-it is its own way of drawing attention to ourselves. Instead, we should rejoice in His work in us!

Anything else you would like to share:

I would like to invite the readers to visit www.hopeunlimitedforyou.com and
sign up (via the link at the top of the page) for our free weekly "HOPE Hint" that comes out every Wednesday. You can also connect with me on
Facebook, Twitter or Linked In via that page. I welcome "virtual" friendships even if we haven't-yet--had the privilege of meeting in person.

Thanks Beth for sharing today and your commitment to faithful living in all areas of our lives. Print This
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