Deborah. A woman. A wife. A prophetess. A judge. In her words, "a mother in Israel." A woman of many roles who obeyed her God, inspired a military leader, and led her people with wisdom. She played a role that was unconventional in her day. After a major victory, she and Barak sang a song that is relayed in Judges 5 and brings honor to the great Commander, the Lord God.

Verse 4, "Oh Lord, when YOU went out from Seir, when you marched from the land of Edom, the earth shook the heavens poured, the clouds poured down water, the mountains quaked before the LORD, the One of Sinai, before the LORD the God of Israel."

Is there some battle you are facing? Can a God of such power interact in your life? Will His story continue as He plans even when there are setbacks? YES. Deborah played an important role in HIS story. He used her leadership skills to help His people even when there were challenges. Are you using your gifts to serve Him and others even when it doesn't appear that all is going well or successfully? Let Deborah inspire you to trust God, and obey Him, trusting Him for results.

Image: Graeme Weatherston /

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