I am re-publishing a blog post from some time ago as we are currently in-between Coffee Break Bible Studies (which is what I have been using this blog for of late.) So, hope this post is encouraging.

Interesting note: I don't even remember the topic of the meeting mentioned in this post, which reminds me that often what we are worried about for the moment will have little impact when we recall it weeks/months/years later!

So here goes the repeat:

Taking a little side trip this morning because I am sitting at my fav coffee shop and have been prompted to share something.

It's been a bit of an anxiety producing week for me, mostly due to my "vain imagination." (I have too active of one at times, and worry about things that often don't end up happening.) Tonight, I had a meeting scheduled that for most people would not cause any anxiety. But for me, it was being a bit of a trigger to another fear of mine. Anyway, got a text this morning that I don't have to go to the meeting after all. So, sitting here, I'm realizing that once again, I tried to "cross a bridge before I came to it." Then I look up and see Falls Park Bridge outside the window (from a different angle than this photo shows, but the same bridge.) It was like the Lord reminding me, "Why are you crossing the bridge? You aren't even there yet, and may not have to cross it at all." Just because I'm looking at this bridge now, doesn't mean I will or will not cross it later. (I just might go stand on it for a bit to allow the truth of this lesson to sink in, but anyway...) It's like I'm worried about tripping on a bridge I'm simply looking at, not even crossing. It's the same way with my worries. What I'm imagining COULD happen, may never come close to happening. Most of my worry seeds are planted in the soil of looking ahead. But Scripture tells me to handle each day as it comes...not worrying about tomorrow. If I could learn to grasp the present journey rather than the future bridge, I think I would be at peace more often. How about you? Print This
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