Acrostic Prayer

David wrote a prayer to God in Psalm 145, using the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Following that example, several friends used Facebook to write a prayer, using the English alphabet. May this guide us to meaningful praise!

Almighty God, I praise You.
Before time began, you knew me and loved me.
Cleanse my heart with Your word, O Lord.
Desire for You consumes me.
Encourage me in my walk with Jesus.
Forgive my sin.
Grateful I am that Your grace is sufficient for me.
Helpless to save myself, I turn to You, holy and mighty Lord.
Incredible, You are like no other! I humble myself, letting go of pride and self sufficiency, and surrender to You.
Jesus, name above all names, beautiful Savior, glorious Lord, I run to You!
King of kings, and Lord of lords, I will praise You forever and ever!
Love from You, Father, is like no other!
May I always be captured by Who You are!
Never will I forget all You have done for me, Jesus, by dying on the cross. Never ending love is Your precious gift to me.
Open arms had Jesus when He died for me. Open arms have I to receive Him. Oh my Lord, You always provide, even when I least deserve it.
Praise You forevermore! Praise the Lord in the heavens, praise Him in the earth.
Quickened was my heart, so I could respond to Your gracious offer of reconciliation with You. Quicken my heart to behold Your majesty.
Rejoice in the Lord always!
Savior, I love You with all of my heart!
Thank You for all of the wonderful blessings You give us. Thankful for Your many blessings!
Use me to share Your grace and love to others. Unending love is what You lavish on me.
Victory I have in Christ! Vehemently, I seek Your face.
Wisdom is what You long to bless me with
‘Xactly at the right moment, You lifted me up and drew me close.
Yearning I am, to hear Your voice. You bless all who depend on You and deeply desire You.
Zaccheus enjoyed your fellowship, as do I.
Zany as it may seem, You chose me and lovingly hold me.

Thanks to the following people for participating in writing this prayer and for Pastor Charlie Boyd for encouraging people to write one.

Doane August
Kim Eison Barr
Karin Bennett
Beth Beutler
Cindy Smith Bird
Debbie Bruno Branka
Patricia Butler
Brenda Covert
Jasmine Covert
Julie Gibson
April Gray
Erica Skelton Goldsmith
Janine Hewitt
Bonnie Holmes
Gail Kelly
LaDonna Loehrke
Kevin McElwee
April Mikolasek
Debbie Miller
Janice Moody
Mary Beth Morgan
Sally Norland Morris
Karen O’Neal
Jennifer Perry
Roger Stoddard
Christina Ward
Andrea Watson Wilder

There are plans to publish this formally through HOPE Unlimited.
Photo courtesy of Print This
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