This week our Coffee Break Bible study groups began a study in the book of Amos, and our focus for the week is the Introduction and Chapter 1. On Fridays, I like to add an additional blog post commenting on what we are currently studying, and trying to aply it to our "today" life.

Recently I went to see the movie Eat, Pray, Love. From what I have picked up, many people in the world liked the movie and the journey it represents for many people, especially women. My confession? Me--not so much. Although it was somewhat interesting, I thought it portrayed a selfish woman who left hurt in her wake in her quest to find her own happiness and fulfillment--an ironic twist to a search for joy, love and peace. (I realize this is one summary statement--this blog post is not meant to be a review of the movie. Yes, it had some redeeming qualities. But that's not the point of this post.)

The Isrealites were going through the same thing as Amos opens. God sent Amos, a shepherd and fig grower, to speak some harsh words to His people. He was disgusted with their selfishness, their lack of caring for others and their rejection of His way of life.

I'm big on grace. We have a gracious God. But sometimes I think we also forget to see His holy, just, side. He is long suffering, but also will not put up with rebellion forever. Amos is a good warning not to take advantage (for granted) the grace and patience of a loving, holy God.

Thus, I ask myself, is confession a regular part of my life? Do I really understand how I grieve the heart of God when I worry? When I harbor proud thoughts? When I impatiently go through life angry when things or people get in the way of my plans? Thank the Lord that when I confess, He is quick to forgive--and forget! But may we all be careful to avoid complacency, and selfishness disguised as "finding ourselves." We find ourselves most when we lose ourselves to worship of God and unselfish love and service to others. Print This
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