Amos 6 and 7 has been our focus this week. In the early part of Amos 6, God has a message for His people about extravagance and complancy. He exhorts them because they care more for their comfort and convenience than they do for the the less fortunate.

I heard a popular speaker recently explain that extravagance is living above your means. What is extravagant for one person may be a necessity for another. I think that may be a wise way to look at things. Haven't you been tempted to look at the life of someone else and think, "Why do they waste money on ________?" Well, be careful about judging the motives of someone else. Perhaps they have saved up and are paying cash for that trip to celebrate a milestone. Maybe they want to employ someone starting a housecleaning business. Maybe their ministry or work demands much focus and paying for someone to run errands for them reduces stress in their family.

We each know what is extravagant for us. We often know--deep down--when we are being selfish or self-protecting, or judging the lifestyles of others. Is there something you can sacrifice so that you can help someone who needs encouragement? Is there an attitude of jealousy toward another's lifestyle that it is time to let go of? We are all the recipients of extravagant grace...let's extend some, too.
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1 Response
  1. Brenda K. Says:

    Great points, Beth. I agree that extravagance means different things for us all. BTW, I love the design of this page. Well done!