As our group finishes up Amos, we see a change of tone in the last few verses of the book. God has been reprimanding His people, using Amos. He has shown His displeasure at their selfishness and self-centeredness. He has every right to leave it there.

Yet, at the end of the book, He promises that His people will

  • return from exile

  • rebuild

  • replant and bear fruit

  • never again be uprooted from their land.

What a promise--so undeserved. What grace and love God is willing to show despite repeated selfishness on their part (and ours.) Why would we not want to live in grateful obedience when showered with such love?

I struggle with simply letting God pour His love on me--and being, not always doing or achieving. Join me for the next few days as we bask in His love and grace and serve Him because of our gratefulness, not to earn His favor or impress others.

Our next Coffee Break Bible Study by email will be on the book of Ecclesiastes and will begin October 18. Contact me if you'd like to participate and/or get the personal study sheets.

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