The next Coffee Break Bible study by email will start on October 18. We will take a few weeks to go through the book of Ecclesiastes.

This week, I taught an overview to a live group, and brought PlayDoh. (Okay, so it wasn't the brand name, but still...) The participants loved working with the PlayDoh while discussing the book. I felt that the idea of "working and wrestling" fit with working a lump of PlayDoh. You see, the writer of Ecclesiastes asked a lot of hard questions and worked through a lot of feelings about the world. At one point, he felt it was all useless!

Isn't it something, that God would allow an entire book of the Bible to be included, that questions the meaning of life and what God does, too? He is not afraid of our questions! He faithfully remains by us even when we question Him and get angry.

The book also has some great insight to apply to our work. We'd love to have you join us for this journey via email. Just contact me for details.
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