Our Coffee Break Bible Study group has just started Ecclesiastes. What a unique book! It seems unusual that God would allow such a book in His word. The writer (who many believe was Solomon, but it could have been another teacher) shares his journey of discouragement and questions. He wrestles with why God allows certain things, yet peppers the book with lots of practical wisdom, too.

I am glad that God is okay with us expressing discouragement. The Psalmist certainly did at times. The writer of Ecclesiastes begins the book with "all is meaningless" (or vanity or similar words depending on your translation.) But this does not threaten God. He allowed it to be included for all of history. Why? Why not only include what praises Him and points toward unquestioned following? Why allow someone to express doubts and anger?

Because He loves.
Because He understands.
Because He is there to wrestle through it with us.

Jesus wasn't afraid of questions (remmber His conversation with the woman at the well?) He was willing to hang around people who didn't have it all together.

This impacts me uniquely this week. I've been struggling regarding certain relationships. How do I respond and interact if friends and acquaintances have fundamental differences in thoughts, values and beliefs from me? I don't have the answer totally. But I know God is okay with me wrestling through it with Him. Print This
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