Well, I've dropped the ball. I had intentions of blogging weekly about my experiences with the Getting Organized at Home class. I did okay for the first couple of sessions and then got to feeling over committed. So I've missed two weeks and the last class is this Thursday. Kind of ironic, huh?

Please give me grace for not sharing what I've been learning in a more timely way, but one of the things that is important is to understand why we make the decisions we do and to be willing to say "no" to things when you are feeling under the gun. I volunteered too quickly to add "blog about this class" to the list of things I do, because I like to serve people with good and inspiring information and tips.

I'm in a season of re-thinking some of my priorities and task choices. So I've decided that the blog posts I have shared about this class are enough--for now. In other words, I'm not going to pick the ball back up in this specific way at this specific time.

I'm sure some of this experience will flavor future writings, and I have gotten approval to teach this class locally starting in January, so who knows, maybe I'll be in a better position to blog about it then.

I will still add to my blog regularly on a variety of topics, with the priority being posts related to the current Coffee Break Bible study I am leading, which seems appropriate given that this blog is a "Conversation Over Coffee."

Dropped the ball but not beating myself up,


PS: This class was taught by someone I recommend as a Christian Life Coach: Stephanie Baker. Check out her site at Life In Abundance.

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