I'm thinking about how to best utilize this blog, Conversations Over Coffee. Obviously, I can't have a live cup of coffee with all of you, but this blog is meant to initiate conversations virtually. So, I'd like to ask you a few questions and give me some comments or responses:

1. Do you read this blog regularly?

2. How can I best serve you with it?

3. Should I post more frequently?

4. Do you like random conversation topics? What would you like to talk about?

Thanks for your feedback. I'll happily continue this blog if it is a blessing to others. I know there are other ways we interact as well, so it may be that the blog is not necessary. Let me know your thoughts either via comments or on Facebook, or by email...you can reach me in several ways.


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1 Response
  1. Christy Says:

    I read occasionally, but not on a regular basis. While I will comment briefly on FB, I'm not as likely to comment on a blog. I do enjoy reading occasionally though.