Reading: Titus 3

This chapter can stop us in our tracks. There's so much to unpack, even in the first few verses! Convicting reminders, doctrinal foundations, practical instruction. Where to begin?

Let's focus on verses 3-7 before launching into questions that you can consider for the whole chapter. In this cluster of verses, you have what could be a statement of faith for a Christian of any denomination. It reminds us of our great need for God (which is also a basis for humbly relating with others.) It points out God's initiative in providing salvation that doesn't depend on our works (praise God!). It delights us with the establishment of our place as heirs with hope of eternal life!

Let that saturate your heart and spirit for awhile and see how it impacts the other practical applications such as:

How you think about and relate to authority (v. 1)

What prorities you have for doing good (v. 1)

The way you handle debating with others, including, and maybe especially, believers. (vv. 2, 9-10)

The danger of division (v. 10)

How you speak of others (v. 2)


How would you re-write verses 3-7 in a personal way?

Think about the five practical pointers mentioned above. Which one convicts you the most?

What would it mean to "speak evil of no one," not even people or authorities you may vehemently disagree with?

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