Reading: entire book of Titus

As we wrap up our look at the book of Titus, re-read the book, putting yourself in the author's mindset. Think of yourself as a mentor to someone younger, writing a letter to encourage this person as they take on a big project. Use the following thoughts and questions to guide your re-reading.

  • How does Paul encourage Titus?
  • Think about the young man, and what type of characteristics he had. What is implied or stated to help you form a picture of him in your mind?
  • What is Paul's main charge to Titus? What is the goal?
  • What specific strategies did Paul recommend to Titus toward accomplishing the goal?
  • What type of mentor do you think Paul was?

Now, think of a person that you lead or mentor. Apply the above questions, replacing "Paul" and "Titus" with your name and that of the person you are mentoring. As you consider the wisdom and importance of investing into the lives of others, prayerfullly consider how best to carry out that role and declare your dependance on the Holy Spirit to do it well.

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