Galatians is a letter the apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Galatia (the area now known at Turkey) who were facing a problem. These believers were being challenged by false teachers to think that their simple belief and faith in Christ as Savior was not enough. They were being encouraged to continue to follow laws as a required part of their new found faith.

Paul writes a strong letter to discourage this false teaching and to encourage the believers to gratefully accept the gift of salvation in Christ. As we journey through the letter this fall, we will be able to reinforce our faith foundations. This is important. When an expectation of some type of good works is added to simple faith, it waters down and even totally changes the whole idea of salvation by faith in Christ alone.

Paul begins the letter with an assertion of the authority he has to speak to such matters, and refocuses the reader on God Himself (v. 5). He then goes on to say in verse 6 that he is shocked that they are so easily being led astray--in essence deserting the Savior in search of a more complicated salvation. Paul calls them back to their first faith and love!

Do you ever feel like you need to be "called back" to the basics? No matter how long you have been a believer, there is great wisdom in regularly revisiting the foundation of your faith...a simple, trusting relationship with Jesus as your savior.

I don't want to assume that everyone reading this has entered into such a relationship. It's really quite simple. It's trusting in Christ alone...not your good works (which never measure up to perfection) to save you and give you a home forever with Him in heaven. This faith can be expressed through a simple prayer but there isn't a magic set of words.   If you'd like to discuss this more, please write me.
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