But when the set time had fully come, God sent his son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Galatians 4:4

What does "set time" mean to you? Do you ever have a set time for something? Some families eat dinner at a "set time" every day. You may have a set time to do laundry, or arrive at your job, or attend church. We live our lives sprinkled with lots of set times each week.

Yet, we often think God is taking too much time to handle a situation in our lives. This verse reminds us that God had a set time to send Christ, and a set plan for that invasion into our world. He waited until the time had "fully come." It wasn't a half-hearted, partially thought-out plan.

It's kind of like a lot of weddings. When a young woman gets engaged, she starts to set in motion what may have already been a plan in her heart about her eventual wedding day. However, that day may not actually occur until months later. But rest assured, when the set time comes, and the time fully arrives, there will be a celebration!

It's easy for us to wonder if God is really interested in our lives and has a plan in motion. He does. Perhaps it is better to realize that we play a role in His plan rather than think of His plan FOR us. So often we get caught up in wanting to know what God wants for us that we forget to realize that we play a role in HIS drama, not the other way around.

Though we don't always understand the reasoning, He has a set time for various events in history and is often waiting for things to fully come together before He sets them in motion. He invites us to trust Him. Trusting leads to adoption and redemption. He put Jesus here and enacted a plan so that we can become His sons and daughters. He took care of the biggest things in life. Can He take care of our smaller needs?

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