Have you ever created a bondage for yourself? We all have elements of life that can become areas of slavery for us. Food, entertainment, need for affirmation, work and a host of other things can easily become our master.

In this chapter, Paul reminds the Galatians of what God did in order for them to experience freedom. He still can't imagine why they would want to subject themselves to unnecessary rules as if to somehow prove their worth for salvation. We can look at them and wonder the same thing, yet we fall into certain patterns that are similar. Ask yourself:

  • Do I feel the need to keep up a certain image because I am a Christian?
  • Are there practices (different from those clearly forbidden in Scripture) that I use as a measuring stick for my spirituality or that of others?
  • Am I quick to judge myself or others if I, or they, do something that I prefer they would not?
  • Do I place high expectations on myself to perform well so God will continue to love me?

You may wonder how to reconcile seeing the "fruit" of someone's Christian life with their choices about activities and preferences. Be careful not to assign moral value to some things that are simply preferences (i.e. food choices, for example.) The fruit of the Spirit will be specifically listed later in Galatians so we won't unpack it here. But remember that character and motive are important, not just specific choices like what someone wears, listens to, eats, etc. Yes, these can reveal a heart attitude, but so can a critical, judgmental spirit. Avoid enslaving yourself when God has provided freedom through Christ!

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