Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.

There are several characteristics and values that contribute to healthy relationships. Love. Unselfishness. Kindness. Thoughtfulness. Attentiveness. All of these characteristics are valuable toward building and maintaining strong connections.

There's another one that is mentioned in this chapter. One that Christ modeled well. That is, humility.

We don't live in a humble world. Humility isn't often touted as the "go-to" value. Instead we hear,

"Go for your dreams."
"Be confident."
"Go after what you want."
"Protect yourself."

While the above statements aren't necessarily wrong, we don't tend to hear

"Be humble."
"Think of others as better than yourself."
"Be willing to obey authority and submit to God."

Verses 5-9 describe Jesus. This passage is a pretty immediate follow up to Paul strongly urging the Philippians to be likeminded and unified, looking out not only for their own interests but also those of others.

Let's take a deeper look at verses 5-9.

Verse 5: Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus

Notice that it starts with the mind. Thoughts can be marvelous, and scary things, cant' they? Thoughts just pop into our heads and if we don't control them they can ruin our attitude. Jesus had a mindset of humility.

Verse 6: who being in the form of God did not consider it robbery to be equal with God

Jesus had a strong sense of His identity. He knew that He was equal with God and knew that wasn't wrong.

Humility grows out of a realistic understanding of who we are in Christ! Being too hard and critical on ourselves is actually a different form of pride because it centers our thoughts on us and how we come across.

Verse 7: but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in likeness of men.

Jesus didn't precede his ministry with some sort of media blitz and reputation building strategies. His following grew out of his direct ministry to others. He chose to put aside His equality with God to carry out an essential mission.

Verse 8: And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even to death on a cross.

Jesus was recognized as a man and He chose to obey God the Father by submitting to His own death. Death on a cross was particularly cruel and degrading and He still subjected Himself to it.

Why did He do all this?

Because, He loves you.
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