Brethren, I don't count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13 NIV

Paul is inspiring. He lets us know that on his own journey, he never considers himself to have attained, or apprehended things, but tries to forget what was behind and move on.

Paul would have a lot to forget. If you look back on his terrible treatment of Christians, it's a wonder the guy had any victory in his Christian life. Who wouldn't be consumed with guilt?

But Paul regularly looks ahead, not behind. I think that because he mentions that that he hasn't "apprehended" he has the wisdom to never think he has overcome something completely. He needs to be focusing always on what is before him...the calling God has now given, so that he won't be consumed by his past.

Do you ever feel overcome by guilt? Guilt comes in different versions. Guilt over our past. Guilt about what we aren't doing well now. Sometimes even overly sensitive consciences can trap us into unnatural guilt. I know because I struggle with that at times.

But Paul reminds us to be reaching ahead, not looking behind. I always wonder about ball players or runners who glance behind them. I would think they'd go faster if they just face forward, don't you?

The idea of reaching implies to me that it is some "stretch" to do this, if you pardon the word play. To reach for something takes some effort. Staying forward focused isn't easy. But unless we want to live in an emotional hole most of our life, it is a necessary step.

Are you reaching ahead or looking behind today?
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