And as He walked by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting ga net into the sea; for they were fisherman. Then Jesus said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men." They immediately left their nets and followed Him.  Mark 1:16-18 NKJV

Picture yourself in the middle of a typical daily project. Maybe you are attacking "Mount Washmore." Or maybe you are entering number 356 of information forms into a database. You might be organizing a field trip for your child's class or preparing someone's taxes.

Jesus suddenly shows up and says, "Follow Me."

What would you say?

"Ah, Jesus, I have this tax form to finish."

"Let me just finish folding this underwear."

"I've got one more call to make."

"Leave this data entry? Yeah baby!"

Whatever your reaction, it would require flexibility.

The fishermen were in the midst of their daily work, which was probably grueling. Then this man tells them essentially that He has a better option. What did they do? They immediately dropped everything to find out more.

Now, I'm not suggesting that you drop everything on every whim. God delights in self-control and discipline too. However, this was the Son of God telling them to forget about today's task and come discover something more important.

I wonder how many of us would really drop everything to take advantage of such an opportunity? I can't say that I always would. I remember one time we had some visitors from out of town and due to various things, our home was not company-ready. While we spent time with them elsewhere, we were not able to be as flexible as we possibly could have been, because of being bogged down by other needs and responsibilities. A few weeks later though, we were able to host an overnight guest for several days. Some things had changed and we were able to get our home in better order.

Getting, and being, even a bit more organized, can help us say "yes" more often to those sudden, sometimes delightful, opportunities to go or do something out of the ordinary. Then we aren't a slave to the house or feel like we'd be so behind when we got back that it would steal the joy from the impetuous visit or ministry opportunity.

You owe it to yourself, if no one else, to live in a bit more organized fashion so that you can immediately follow Christ's invitation to enjoy an opportunity you may not have planned on.

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