Note: CBBS is on an extended sabbatical regarding new content. We are running several past posts to continue to encourage.)

"You didn't do that job very well."


Does anyone out there like criticism? I know I don't. But I have been slowly coming to realize that criticism can be a gift. There are three things that criticism reminds me of, that I will share in my next three blog posts. Here is the first:

Criticism is like a mirror. 

When we are given a critical comment, it's like having a mirror held up to us so we can see the spinach caught in our teeth. Whether we like it or not, there is often at least a grain of truth in criticism we receive, no matter how it is delivered. But the good news is, when we check the mirror, it usually doesn't mean that our entire face or outfit needs to be re-done (hope not, anyway!) but that it would be a good thing to give attention to that small, but sometimes glaring, distraction.

A mirror also reflects things. When we receive either praise or criticism, we can "bounce" or reflect it up to the Father. In 2 Corinthians 6:8-10 we see that Paul received both "slander and praise." In all things we can direct what we receive up to our Father. He's big enough to take it all! Since a mirror is reflective, it reminds us to be wise and reflect on criticism we receive, rather than respond to it right away. Some of the best advice on criticism is to WAIT to respond to it. Prayerfully consider what has been said, and ask God to help you distill what you need to learn and what you can let go of. Then you will be in a better position to respond in grace.

Criticism also reminds me of a rope and a brick...but those will have to wait for future blog posts. :) In the meantime, if you struggle with how to handle criticism, read through II Corinthians. Pastor Paul had to deal with quite a bit of it, often directly from his Christian brothers and sisters!
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