Hi Readers! I discovered that fellow writer Lynn Blackburn  had also chosen "Margin" as her word for the year, so I am glad to have her guest post today!  You can visit her blog at http://lynnhugginsblackburn.blogspot.com/



I have not been in a “bloggy” mood lately, which is weird for me. I love this blog. I love opening up my laptop and watching my scrambled thoughts morph into something that makes sense. At least to me.

Most of the time, I have three or four blog posts ready to go, but for the past couple of months, I’ve felt dry. Uninspired.


Which is why I decided to take an unscheduled blog break.

For two weeks, I haven’t attempted to blog at all. I’ve journaled some during my quiet time (with a pen if you can imagine it!), and I’ve spent several hours on my fiction work-in-progress (the opening scene is my absolute favorite thing I’ve ever written, which probably means I’ll have to delete it, but for the moment, I’m quite pleased), but I’ve avoided anything that could look like a blog post.

I’ve been busy living my life instead.

  • I’ve planned and more or less succeeded in pulling off a double birthday party for my ten-year-old daughter and two-year old son.
  • I’ve taken my children for a long overdue trip to the Children’s Museum (we now have annual passes—that place is awesome)!
  • I’ve done a lot of normal things like laundry and meal planning.
  • I've played all sorts of random games with my kids. 
  • I’ve enjoyed an oh-so-peaceful afternoon sitting in our “library” with my husband while snow fell in fancy flakes and piled up on the ground until we couldn’t stand it anymore and he retrieved all three kids from grandma’s house so we could build a snowman together.
  • I’ve started training for a 5K (that’s going to be interesting).
  • I’ve gotten a new haircut. I love it and have almost figured out how to fix it on my own.
  • I’ve been reading Leviticus, which everyone agrees can be a bit of a slog-fest, and have been stunned to discover how much great stuff is in there. Sure, there’s a fair amount of repetition with regards to long lobes of the liver and fat and entrails. And there’s no question that it’s a bloody book. Despite that, over and over again I find myself in awe, because unless we get just how onerous the Law was, how can we ever hope to appreciate the beauty and generosity of Grace?

After a few weeks of giving myself the margin to do a lot of ordinary things and a few things out of the ordinary, my heart is full and my thoughts are scrambled. I’m itching to start making sense of them again. I hope you’ll join me in the weeks ahead.

Grace and peace,
Lynn https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgbsb9ZJDbRJBjQvSZtmIc8AExGoLW9DJmwohU9tnzUVNrof-seEwDXLfLMTx4xljnzXR96u9pF1hiE0FkgtND4HpDIbOpfUg5_RnQG6h8AM0JI-Ktde-jUlqXnUOcRGflFL74McQ/s1600/OneWord2013_Margin.j 3.bp.blogspot.com Print This
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