Note: we encourage recycling when you can :)

Hebrews 12:1 CEV Such a large crowd of witnesses is all around us! So we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially the sin that just won't let go. And we must be determined to run the race that is ahead of us.

What slows you down in your home? Is it that pile of coats and shoes that blocks the entry door? What about the junk mail and magazines hanging out at your desk?

Even the most organized person has extra "weight" that bogs them down sometimes. Remember emptying your purse and wondering how you carry all that stuff all the time?

This verse is speaking about getting free from sin, especially repeating sin, so that we can better run the race ahead of us. But it can also apply to the things we hang on to at home, that drain our emotional energy.

There are many reasons we hang on to stuff, partly because we may get a temporary feeling of security when surrounded by our collections. And it's not necessarily wrong to have collections, if they serve a purpose and/or bring you great, ongoing joy. But for many of the items we hang on to at home, that really doesn't apply.

So how can we discard the weight? A little at a time. It can be overwhelming to attack a whole room at once, but could you consider 3-5 items a day, evaluating whether you need to keep them? Start small, like with one drawer in the kitchen. Once you get through that, you may find you have some momentum to tackle some other areas.

And avoid thinking that you will ever be "finished" with organizing your home. Instead, think of it as part of a general routine or habit, similar to cleaning the bathroom or processing mail. Stop organizing once you've reached a particular time limit or stopping point (such as one drawer at a time.) This will keep you from being overwhelmed and you'll see yourself "get up to speed!" in your race!
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