I Chronicles 28:11 After David finished speaking, he gave Solomon the plans for building the main rooms of the temple, including the porch, the storerooms, the rooms upstairs and downstairs, as well as the most holy place.

When Audrey gets home, she immediately puts the mail on a corner of her desk, removes receipts from her wallet, puts loose change in a collection jar, checks to see if she still has a good supply of tissues, gum, hand sanitizer and other personal items, and hangs her purse on a hook. This system usually takes her less than five minutes, but she has found it extremely helpful during the morning rush to get out the door. And, she is always thankful during the day to have everything she needs well-supplied and orderly.

In the verse above, we see that David laid out specific plans for specific rooms of the temple. He seems to be very organized and intentional about how the rooms would be laid out and used. Notice the verse even points out rooms that may be considered less important (porch, storerooms.)

It's the same way in your home. Each room has a purpose and there are systems that can be created and utilized within that room. Pick a room and think about what its main purpose is. Then, think about the traffic pattern in the room. Brainstorm what you might need and can implement for making that room (or common area) work more efficiently.

God demonstrates order throughout the Bible. In some places, He was very specific. In others it feels like a more general plan to move people through history. All in all though, we see a God who does things with a purpose and with intentionality. Creation exhibits systems and cycles--sometimes elaborate ones--that show they were not just haphazardly thrown together. With His help, you can design systems that reflect Him in your home.

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